Licenced Venue Security & Manpower Services

Ironforge Security have multiple different licensed venues we look after in and around Brisbane with our growth in the industry steadily increasing across Southeast Queensland. The management team at Ironforge have extensive knowledge and background in the Licensed Venue space with experience in both management and security operations.


Our Venue Officers conduct routine refreshers such as First Aid, CPR, Crowd Control Refreshers and Ironforge Inductions so our team can consistently provide you, your staff and your customers the upmost safety every day. Officers also conduct regular training at staff meetings covering radio communication, de-escalation strategies/conflict resolution, hands on restraint training/applying soft empty hand techniques and updates on latest legislation. Our HQ team will make sure of any up keeping such as yearly crowd control registers, spare crowd control tags, replacement radios, routine checks of officer compliance, officer relocation due to client decision/not operating to standard, consolidating reports, and ensuring all officers are aware of their role/duties the client want them to carry out prior to commencing their shift.


Our team have the ability develop different Security Management Plans (SMP) for Break & Enter / Trespassing / Assault / Stealing or Stolen Property / Evacuation Plans / WHS Procedures and anything else to fully encompass what you, the client, need from your security team. All officers are trained to react and follow SMP’s as they apply to their current situation, ensuring the safety of themselves, the public around them and the client’s assets. Ironforge believe in fair treatment of people whether part of the public or working contractor, we endeavour to be consistent mediators and situation diffusers, eliminate any escalating situations in its tracks.


Event Security & Manpower Services


Tailored Security Solutions